Welcoming Lunch for Syrian Refugee Families – March 6

Sunday, March 6, 2016

10:30 am: It’s JUSTICE SUNDAY: Service and WELCOMING LUNCH.
The Knock at the Door” Pam Sparr from UU Service Committee, will speak of the Syrian refugee crisis & what we called to do as Unitarian Universalists and people of faith and good will. Pam is Associate Director for Justice Building at UUSC based in Boston. Special music by Gary Daniels & Harry Ragland.

11:45 and beyond:

We are having a “WELCOMING LUNCH” to meet our local Syrian refugee families and friends. Breaking bread together is the universal way to create community. You will meet several families. The families have children ages newborn to 21. (Translators will be present). Children and Youth welcome.

A Potluck lunch for everyone. Please bring something to share (no pork). All other foods are OK. Please Come. Share in community.  Representative of the Islamic Center of Claremont will say a few words of introduction.
People at Dinner

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) was founded in 1940 to rescue refugees from Europe during World War II. UUSC has been doing social justice work ever since. Justice Sunday is UUSC’s annual program to learn about and take action on a key human rights issue. More info at www.uusc.org

Saturday Work Day at MVUUC

Thanks to Bruce Mount for his leadership to organize a Work Day on our church grounds.  All volunteers made a difference in our “street view” and enjoyed the experience. Manny Soto, Joyce Greene, Terrie Maguire, Catherine Rowlee, Corey Boss, Tom Thorward, Anne Thorward , Bob Taylor, Lori McLaughlin, Doug McLaughlin, Dave Albay-Yenny, Steve Shirley, Bob Mendoza, & Bruce Mount.

Special thanks to Doug McLaughlin for trailering his garden tractor to the site, and to Manny Soto and Bob Taylor for bringing weed whackers.


When Jonipher Kwong, a member of the Congregation Life Staff of the Pacific Western Region, spoke here on Jan. 24, we discussed sharing the timetable of ministerial transition with you. With transparency uppermost in our minds, the Board of Trustees want to share that timeline with those who would like to see it. Anyone who calls or emails our Office Administrator can request a copy. It will also be mailed to all members of the Council of Chairs, and a copy will be posted to the bulletin board. One note: the costs mentioned in the document are approximate and subject to change. Also, they do not have to be paid all at once, since this is at minimum a two year process. For more information, contact Maribel Dana.

Board Briefing – December 2015 – Maribel Dana, Board President

Maribel DanaI will never forget this scene on Dia de Los Muertos. Our children picked up those devastating, injurious rocks and solemnly carried them out of the sanctuary to be painted and repurposed for joy. Thank you, Amy Randall, for this moving and wonderful idea.

We have been through a lot on this campus since October 27, and so many of you have helped us with clean up tasks, security decisions, creative thinking, shopping for replacement items, donating food and flowers, repairs, etc. We must especially laud the Facilities Committee members who continue to do all of the above as well as normal maintenance. I am learning much about this facility and all of us. For example, did you know our concrete block walls are not just hollow with rebar? They are solid, filled with concrete; “You have a bunker here,” said the ADT installers. I now know the location of the gas turnoff valve and the internet routers. MVUUC is challenging all of us to learn and grow, to give this beloved congregation the best of ourselves. As we do this, our visioning goals remind us to connect, learn, share, and grow with our entire community.

Maribel Dana, President, Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees Honors and Thanks: Lyn Shaible, Debbi Scurto and Lori McLaughlin for their volunteerism and dedication to fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the MVUUC business office for 3 months.