Many members and friends are asking how to help care for Monte Vista after this vandalism. We have some ideas for this Sunday. We invite you to bring fresh-cut flowers in vases that you will take home to enjoy. You could also bring special food to share. Since our kitchen may not be fully functional, please bring foods ready-to-serve; pre-sliced vegetable and fruit trays, crackers and dips, cheeses, nuts, sweets are suggested. Future opportunities to support our congregation are in the works.
Author: George Yenoki
Visit the Philippines, February 2016
In February, 2016, the UUPCC will sponsor a pilgrimage to the Philippines which will be very similar to the UUCP 101 of previous years, but offer more emphasis on service projects and reflection on how to assimilate the amazing information and experiences which comes with the trip!
Join us as we spend time with the UUs in the Manila area and learn about the fascinating and disquieting history of the Philippines. We will be introduced to their colorful, energetic culture and get to know the amazing young people who are working hard to share and grow our UU faith in this land of many conservative cultural challenges.
After a couple days in Manila, we will fly south to Negros Island to be warmly welcomed at the UUCP headquarters in Dumaguete City, a lively college town and charming seaside destination. There you will come to understand a great deal about how the UU faith developed in the Philippines and about the devotion and energy which fuels the life of our UU brothers and sisters there. We will go on a road trip to visit several of the 27 UU congregations which are found on this lovely agricultural island. We will have an opportunity to share meals, stories, songs and dance with our UU families there and join them in planting trees and creating ropes out of recycled plastic materials. We will also be able to see the UU Pre-school in Aquino and visit a typical village marketplace. Those of you who would like to consider finding a church to partner with will be able to meet with several congregations hoping to find a partner. Those of you who would like to spend more time with your partner congregation will be able to arrange for an extension to create the deeply heartfelt connections developed during partnership. And there is great joy in being able to meet and spend time with the young UU scholars. Other trip extensions can be arranged that will give you an opportunity to more fully explore the beauty of this land…and the sea.
This trip will be life changing…you can count on that.
The UU Partner Church Council is the sponsor of this trip and the trip leaders are experienced and understand the culture of both the Philippines and western cultures. The cost of the trip is $1400 which starts with your arrival in Manila on the 12th and all expenses (except for alcoholic beverages, tips and extra experiences) you will incur during the pilgrimage. The trip concludes in Dumaguete on the 23rd. You will be responsible for your transportation in and out of the country, but the trip will pay for all travel expenses (including your flight from Manila to Dumaguete) once you arrive. We will stay in hotels and travel in nice air conditioned buses. The temperature will be hot, most likely in the 80s and there are other travel difficulties…long trips over difficult roads, etc., which suggest that you carefully consider whether this trip would be physically advisable for you. So be cautious, but, if you have any questions about whether the trip would be good for you, please call Lee Boeke Burke (920 915 1667) to discuss the possibilities.
Those who will be on the trip with you will be Rebecca Sienes, President of the UU church of the Philippines, Rev. Pat Guthmann Haresh, a UU minister currently living in Manila, and Lee Boeke Burke, UUPCC Networker for the Philippines who will be co-leading her 6th trip to the Philippines.
The deadline for signing up for this trip is December 1 and we need to have 9 travelers for the trip to be a go. We are part way there already…join us…you won’t regret it!
Sign up at
Salamat, Lee Boeke Burke
UUPCC Networker for the Philippines
Update on Church Vandalism – Maribel Dana
We have great news to report!!!
1) Our phone and Internet service are back up and operational.
2) The windows in Montessori classrooms four, five and six have been replaced.
3) Our sanctuary windows are scheduled to be installed tomorrow (Thursday)
4) The greatest news so far…Ken Brown of the Pacific Southwest District – UUA has informed us that they will cover the full cost of our insurance deductible!!!! A huge thank you to the Ken and the PSWD. We are truly humbled by your generosity and blessed by your support.
Sunday, November 1st at 10:30AM – Our Dia de Los Muertos Service will go on as scheduled and we would love to see you all there in support of our congregation and each other.
More updates will come as they are available.
Thank you all for your well wishes and offers to volunteer. We really are a loving and supportive community.
“I put my hand in yours so that together we may do what I cannot do alone.”
Extensive Vandalism at MVUUC
Hold on to your hats,
From Maribel Dana and Rev. Ann Schranz,
We have news about the vandalism that occurred last night. Almost all the glass windows, and glass sanctuary walls and glass doors were broken when someone slammed rocks through them. A person has been arrested in connection with this. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and we have insurance to cover the losses.
Sunday services will continue. Our Director of Religious Education, Amy Randall, will be in contact with parents regarding religious exploration programs.
This entire process will take several days to complete. According to the contractors, the building will be secured tonight.
At this point, there is no need for volunteers. If that changes, we will reach out for help.
Around 7:00 a.m., a staff member found the broken glass and notified the police. The person who was found in room 7 was arrested. Police say the suspect may be charged with several felonies.
These are the steps we are taking:
1. In the sanctuary, we will be using metal chairs due to the risk of glass clinging to fabric. We also expect to replace window coverings.
2. Meetings in the Founder’s Room will be relocated. We expect to replace carpet and fabric-covered furnishings.
3.Phones and internet are interrupted and will be restored soon.
You will be relieved to know that our insurance will cover the damage, and that we have a million dollar per year cap. Our deductible is one thousand dollars.