Click here for UUA information and suggestions to help you arrive at your Fair Share contribution level:
What does your pledge pay for?
What does your pledge pay for?
- Professional Ministry
- Worship Services
- Religious Exploration programming for children and youth
- Adult Religious Exploration classes
- World-class music on Sundays
- Beautiful grounds
- Clean buildings
- Multigenerational parties
- Coffee on Sunday
- Office Administrator, Bookkeeper and Facilities Steward
- Technology Team for good Zoom Worship & Online Presence
- Support for our Calapayan Partner Church
- Opportunities to connect with others
- Support of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Make your pledge today!
NEW! Submit your pledge online here: On-Line Pledge
OR (Not both please)
Download and Print your Mail-in Pledge Form here:
Printable pledge form
Thank you for your generous, sustaining support of our MVUUC Community!