Category: Stewardship
Our 2016-2017 Pledge Goal is $147,000. This amount will support what we envision. As good stewards, all of us are expected to contribute to our spiritual home.
Saturday night, April 2, 2016 was a wonderful evening of dinner, music, dancing and conversation with one another and famous UUs: Kurt Vonnegut, Pete Seeger, Thomas Starr King, President William Taft, Joseph Priestley, Florence Nightingale, Alexander Graham Bell, Clara Barton, Henry David Thoreau, Abigail Adams, Bela Bartok, and George de Benneville.
Thanks to our wonderful Barbara Dev, coordinator for food and table assignments. What a terrific job. Thanks very much to table hosts, teens and everyone who brought delicious food enjoyed by the 93 attendees. Participant’s ages ranged from 2 to 95. It was a truly inter-generational, interactive experience for everyone. Thanks also to the Licata Brothers’ magnificent music.
Now that we’ve “Sprung” into our future, please make your Financial Commitment to insure that future. (Click here to get a form.) For the next two years, as we engage a full-time minister, we ask that you make MVUUC #1 on your list of charities. UUA suggests a pledge of 5% of gross income, a strategy called Five to Thrive.
The UUA Suggested Fair Share Contribution Guide may be helpful to you. Our largest expense at MVUUC is for people—-our incredible staff—-those who bring us inspiration, music, programs for children & youth, wisdom, stories, religious exploration, personal support and more. For the first time in many years, the Board voted unanimously to engage a full-time minister with a significant financial benefit package based on UUA guidelines. All members and friends, from students to retirees are encouraged to make a Financial Commitment.
Make our future what we envision. Pledge today. Pledge payments acceptable via check, bank draft or credit card. Contact Finance Chair or Treasurer for details.
Please complete your Commitment Form before April 15th, or soon thereafter. Thank you.