The Social Justice Coordinating Committee is compiling a list of local organizations that further social justice causes in which members of MVUUC are involved. We will have a display on the green table in the Sanctuary asking for input, to include the name of the organization, when and where the organization meets locally, and whether the person providing the information would be willing to be a contact person for anyone interested in the organization. We know that MVUUC members and friends are active in the local communities! Tell us about it and provide the information for others who may be interested!
Unitarian Universalists from around the world will meet, converse, and strategize about what they can do to make the world a better place. This is the 20th ICUU Council and Conference meeting. The Mennorode conference center is focused around environmental sustainability – see more on the website.
From July 17- July 22nd starting Sunday @ 5pm to 9am Fri in Mennorode, Espleet, the Netherlands. Three members from MVUUC will attend the Conference – Julie Steinbach, Tom Thorward and Anne Thorward. They intend to share their experiences later this year.
Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council Has Moved!
New mailing address, staff, and contact information!
As of right now, June 21, 2016, the office of the Unitarian Universalist Partner Church Council is located in St. Louis, MO. The Bedford office will no longer provide any services, so please be sure to note our new contact information. We look forward to serving you!
Mailing Address:
483 E. Lockwood, Suite 109
St. Louis, MO 63119-3168
Office phone and email:
314 – 918 – 2618
Roger Bertschausen, Executive Director
314 – 918 – 2613
Amanda DiMiele, Office Manager
314 – 918 – 2618
Sharon McCarron, Office Assistant
314 – 918 – 2619
UUA General Assembly – Are You Going?
General Assembly (GA) 2016 is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Anyone may attend. Held in Columbus, Ohio this year; 2017 in New Orleans. The theme for GA 2016 will be Heart Land: Where Faiths Connect. The faith world is increasingly multifaith.
You cannot make it? Enjoy GA from home. General Assembly 2016 will be streamed live June 22-26