

Monte Vista UU

9185 Monte Vista Avenue
Montclair, California 91763

(3 blocks north of the 10 Freeway)

Phone: (909) 626-0520

Monte Vista Unitarian Universalist Congregation is located 30 miles east of Los Angeles.

We are a Welcoming Congregation, appreciative of diversity.

We provide a vibrant community for seekers with theist and non-theist worldviews that include Pagan, Buddhist, and those that are Spiritual (but not religious.)

We hope you find a spiritual home with us.

Monte Vista UU Congregation
invites you to join our hybrid Sunday Service

We invite you to participate in our nourishing weekly Worship in our Sanctuary or online via Zoom. 

Our Sunday morning worship is open for you as we value and maintain a connection to all of our Community whether in-person or from our online gathering place that we keep deeply engaged.

Each Sunday at 10:30am, We bring our celebrations & compassions together as one into our shared sacred space.

All are welcome, wherever your life journey is taking you now… Please contact our office for the Link and Password to connect online.

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Submit your Question:

I Have a Question email link

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Post-Pandemic Update:

With both compassion and wisdom for the best care of our Congregation, and in response to directives from the latest Science & Healthcare experts and the UUA, the MVUUC Board and Rev Maggie invite your participation in our In-person and online gatherings for Sunday Worship, Religious Exploration, and Group Meetings.

Our Minister Rev Maggie, our DLRE Robert, our Lay Leaders, and our Music Director Lily Popova will continue to create ways we can stay closely connected and care for the Spirit of Life within us all during this time of re-imagining congregational life.

Brynda Jones, MVUUC Office Administrator is in during regular hours and is available to respond to your calls, and forward your messages.
email: officeadmin @ montevistauu.org
call: 909.626.0520

email: minister @ montevistauu.org
text or call: 626.205.4458

Upcoming Sunday Services

Event Information:

  • Sun


    Rev. Susan Manker

    I spent a week this summer as minister at elementary camp, and I’m filled with joyful memories of laughter and creativity.  I witnessed the friendships that blossomed over that week, and the dedication of adults to the growth and development of these children in Unitarian Universalism.  General Assembly was also an awesome, profound gathering of witness to the struggles of our faith.  I’ve been pondering the bonds that tie us to one another in hope and love in religious community.

We look forward to welcoming you and meeting together both in our Sanctuary (masked please) and online via Zoom.

As our journey forward from the pandemic unfolds, we continue to connect by mail, phone, online technology, and in our hearts…