Ministers Through the Years
Researched and Written by Kathleen Reeves

Oscar Clute 1888-1889
Edwin C.L. Browne 1889-1891
Leslie W. Sprague and Lila Frost Sprague 1891-1893
Ulysses G.B. Pierce 1893-1897
David Heap (interim) 1897-1898
Charles A. Livingston 1898-1900
N.M. Jones 1900-1901
Oscar Clute 1902
H.W. Knickerbocker 1902
Leo W. Fuller 1902-1903
Missing information 1903-1916
Francis Watry 1916-1928
Miss Buillony 1935
Earnest Whitesmith 1936
Richard Borst 1939-1940
Peter Samsom 1940-1943
Nine years between churches
Members continued meetings through women’s alliance

Pomona Valley Unitarian Fellowship 1952
Lealand Stewart 1952-1952
Fellowship granted Charter from AUA With official recognition became:
Pomona Valley Unitarian Society
Herring 1957-1961
Walton Cole 1961-1966
Ernie Howard 1966-1984
Vernon Curry (interim) 1984-1986
Ellen Livingston 1986-2005
Sonja Montana (interim) 2005-2006
Paul Sawyer (interim) 2006-2007
Ann Schranz 2007-
Student Ministers
Dennis Daniel
Linda Stowell 1988-1989
Walter Mattingly 1994-1996
Betty Stapleford 1996-1998
Monica Cummings 1998-2000
Tom Schmidt
Beth Johnson 2001-2003