RE flections

Amy_RandallsquareYea! It is autumn! This is my favorite time of year, despite being in Southern California. I still think of leaves changing colors, and cooler weather even if it doesn’t always seem that way here.

Besides the change in season, it signifies a time for me reflect more and be less busy. Our classes are well underway, most registrations are completed, and the Halloween Party is over (RE’s biggest party of the year). Our programs of Coming of Age and OWL are running smoothly. Planning takes a little break, and there are fewer meetings to coordinate and attend. And the weather DOES eventually get cooler.

I enjoy the chance to breathe, take time to calm down and clear my mind, and enjoy the kids and the programs. This poem celebrates Autumn, so I hope all of you take a time to breathe, enjoy nature, and calm your souls too!

Incredible Autumn by Marilyn Lott

While traveling across the country
You see trees of all different kinds
And when autumn is the season
It’s the most delicious time

You see the shades of autumn
Like a bright canvas of an artist
You must have your camera ready
Just perfect for a photo quest

That’s what happened the other day
I was out for a leisurely drive
Fields adorned with horses
So happy that I had arrived

You know, I think they realized
It is a wonderful time of year
A crispness of autumn in the air
They didn’t seem to have a fear

The air so delightfully fresh
With sun on the crispy land
It’s such an enjoyable time
Both for beast and man

So enjoy this time of year
Wherever you may live
For nature is changing colors
We must savor what it has to give!

Happy Autumn! Enjoy!

Amy Randall
Director of Religious Exploration