Sustainable Development Goals – UU United Nations Office

These are the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations:

SJCC Newsletter10_15 pdf

They will be in place for the next fifteen years. You can go to the following website to find out more about the goals:

Time To Act:

In light of the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals , the following “Time to Act” suggestions are related to the First SDG:

End poverty in all its forms everywhere Raise the Minimum Wage: Help the UUSC and UUA lobby for a fair minimum wage by signing on to their statement at

Campaign for worker’s rights: Our partners at the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee have information on “Fight for $15”, “Justice in the Food Chain”, and “Compassionate Consumption” at

Tell the CEO of Wendy’s fast food chain to join the Fair Food Program at:;jsessionid=3BB6BE617298278C07DB7E41AFCE6FF0.app267a?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=438&autologin=true&AddInterest=1023

Host a screening of the film “The Dark Side of Chocolate” or sign petitions to promote the rights of workers at

Thanks to Jeanine Little, our UU UNO liaison, for sharing this.