Report on the October 11th “Walk for the Hungry”

Sunday, October 11th was a beautiful hot day in Claremont for the 42nd Annual Walk for the Hungry sponsored by the Inland Valley Hope Partners a local organization that supports six food pantries, a women and children’s homeless shelter and most recently CHAP an organization that works primarily with homeless men.

Leading off the Monte Vista UU Congregation team of walkers, some 22 plus, was our very own youth team carrying a beautiful banner naming our congregation. Yes, there were the walkers, those of us who can walk, but just as important there were those who supported the walkers with cash and checks for walking. Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”.

All together as a team this congregation raised $2,657.00 dollars. This surpassed our goal of $2,500. This action for our community provided the opportunity for us to express together the second UU Principle of “Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations”.

Thank you all.

Kathy Mason, Walk Co-ordinator