Unitarian Universalism Association

Unitarian Universalism is more than just our congregation. We are part of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Registration for the UUA General Assembly 2017, June 21-25, New Orleans, LA is now open. Please be sure to make your hotel reservations!

The UUA General Assembly takes place in New Orleans, June 21 – 25. This year we will be voting on a new UUA president to lead us at this crucial time in our history when many of our UU ideals seem at risk. Please check out the three candidates and information about the process at www.uua.org/uuagovernance/elections. Our congregation will have four voting delegates, including Rev. Susan. If you wish to inform our delegates of your preference, ballots will be available at the Congregational Meeting on May 21st.  If you are attending GA and wish to be a delegate, please contact Board President, Rita Salama.

Vote for new UUA President to be elected at GA. Find out about the three candidates here: www.uua.org/uuagovernance/elections. If you wish to inform our delegates of your preference, ballots will be available at the Congregational Meeting on May 21st.


Greetings from the MVUUC Nominating Committee

As members of the Nominating Committee, we are charged with the responsibility of creating the slate of candidates for the Ministerial Search Committee that will be voted upon at an upcoming congregational meeting.

It is critical for us to have input from every member in the congregation. The members of the Nominating Committee intend to place a call to each member’s household and ask you to consider the following questions about who among us would be the most effective members to join the Ministerial Search Committee:

  • Who can represent the whole congregation well (which would include looking out for the needs of children) and not just a piece or “faction” of the church? Who would have “no axe to grind” and who can serve the entire congregation?


  • Who in the congregation works well with others?


  • Who knows the history and culture of the church, whether old or newer to the congregation, and is grounded in our faith tradition?


  • Who can speak to a potential minister about our congregation on its best and worst days, about its strengths and weaknesses?


After thinking of these questions, who in the congregation would have your trust in working on our common behalf on our Search Committee? Remember this is a poll, it is not a vote or a nomination.

We will be seeking seven members to join this committee, so up to three suggestions are welcome. Feel free to suggest yourself. All those interested will be asked to fill out an application form that will be made available shortly.

Once the candidate applications have been assembled, reviewed and vetted by the Nominating Committee, a slate of seven people will be chosen by the Nominating Committee, and then the slate will be voted on at a congregational meeting in April.


So, expect a call from us soon!

Catherine Rowlee, Cynthia Humes, Debbi Scurto, Martha Esparza
MVUUC Nominating Committee

International Women’s Convocation

It’s not too late!  Register for the International Women’s Convocation

Two members of MVUUC are already attending. What about YOU?

asilomarTake advantage of Presidents’ Day weekend, Feb.  16-19, 2017, to engage with UU women from around the world at the Third International Women’s Convocation! The Convocation’s theme is “Weaving Global Partnerships…Forging a Just Future Together.” The event will bring together UU women from around the world to connect, share, celebrate, and empower in the beautiful, inspirational setting of Asilomar, CA, “a refuge by the sea.”

Registration is $350. Bring one or more friends from your church to qualify for a group discount of $50 off each! Additional discounts for ministers and young adults are available. Those interested in offering a workshop can fill out the workshop request form. For more information and to register, visit the website. To view or download the program, see the latest edition of the Program Guide.


Defying the Nazis

Get the BookDEVYING THE NAZIS: THE SHARPS’ WAR   Books available at discounted price of only $23.50.  Contact Anne Thorward.  A great read published by UUA Beacon Press. Great gift and some say the book is much better than the movie.

Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War is an account of a daring rescue mission that occurred on the precipice of World War II. It tells the previously untold story of Waitstill and Martha Sharp, an American minister and his wife from Wellesley, Massachusetts, who left their children behind in the care of their parish and boldly committed to a life-threatening mission in Europe. Over two dangerous years they helped to save scores of imperiled Jews and refugees fleeing Nazi occupation across Europe.

Go to:  http://www.defyingthenazis.org/